Research Team
With more than 60 analysts covering approximately 1,200 companies working in the U.S. and Canada, Raymond James fields one of the larger research organizations in the brokerage industry. Based on companies under coverage in North America, Raymond James is a top provider of equity research. On average, Raymond James’ senior research analysts possess an average 15 years of sell-side experience, and many have extensive prior experience in the industries they now cover. In addition, many of our analysts and associates have earned their CFA or other professional designation.
Our research analysts seek attractive niches within broader industries and then cover these sectors deeply to develop differentiated sector expertise and relationships. While our focus is middle- and small-capitalization companies, our go deep philosophy typically results in coverage of large, medium and small companies across the sector. Our research philosophy is further distinguished by our supply chain approach. Many of our analysts and industry groups have constructed coverage universes that include the complete supply chain for that industry: key suppliers, manufacturers and distributors. We believe these approaches contribute to our goal of providing investors with the information they need to make the fully informed, yet timely investment decisions that can lead to long-term capital appreciation.